Links for 9/19/17

A basic income could defeat the scarcity mindset, instill a sense of solidarity and even ease the anxieties that gave us Brexit and Trump

Source: Basic Income Isn’t Just a Nice Idea. It’s a Birthright


Source: The defenders: recording the deaths of environmental defenders around the world | Environment | The Guardian


Source: Arbor Skateboards :: Destination Ditch


Source: Diving for Dakuwaqa: giving Fiji’s shark god a helping hand | Science | The Guardian


Source: Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic, studies show | Environment | The Guardian


A recent dig may give archaeologists more clues about one of the oldest North American civilizations.

Source: Archaeologists find more info about old North American civilization – Business Insider Deutschland



Push 2 von Michael Minks, selbst Fahrer & Filmer, immer nahe am Rider, nahe am Spaß. Schöner Einblick in die österreichischen Downhill-Szene

Source: Push 2 · Austrian Downhill Culture · Fahrer und Events 2017


Source: Golden Kingdoms | Apollo Magazine


Source: Alaska’s Permafrost Is Thawing – The New York Times


Source: She’s Photographing Every Native American Tribe in the United States | KCET