Links for 1/31/20

Tear-down of the San Onofre nuclear plant – work on the distinctive containment domes first on the list


‘We loved each other’: America’s first racially integrated all-girl swing band


Climate Change Will Displace Millions


Scotty Moore Tells It Like It Was


World’s Largest Vintage Skateboard Collection and Tour of SkateLab in Simi Valley

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Skateboard History Timeline


Google and Amazon are now in the oil business


Gregg Carroll


The Art of Dignity: Making Beauty Amid the Ugliness of WWII Japanese American Camps


Neoliberalism and Climate Change


Rip City or Die: The Tide of Gentrification Is Pushing Dogtown’s Oldest Skate Shop Elsewhere


Reducing music’s climate impact through innovation


Toxic Coastal Fog Linked to Dangerously High Levels of Mercury in Mountain Lions


An Old Brochure Reveals How the Palos Verdes Peninsula Became a Massive Planned Community


Where are the architects who will put the environment first?

Links for 1/31/18

Within The Context Of All Contexts: The Rewiring Of Our Relationship To Music


After The Vinyl Revival, The Vinyl-Playing Jukebox Is Back


These 11 innovations will tackle the causes of ocean plastic pollution, not just the symptoms


Pacific Beach locals – another day in San Diego


The story behind Cecilia Ann


Scotty Moore’s Royal Legacy: Bearing Witness at the Birth of Rock and Roll


‘Soul-crushing’ video of starving polar bear exposes climate crisis, experts say


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