Links for 4/27/16

Tom the Dancing Bug, in which Nate the Right Pundit bravely asserts that the Science just isn’t settled yet, on such pressing issues as global warming and his acute appendicitis.

Source: Tom the Dancing Bug: Nate, in “Skeptic Shock”


When LA was stripped of its beloved streetcar in the 1960s, the city was quickly thrust into a traffic-clogged world of private cars and diesel buses. But with the involvement of automobile and oil companies, was this the work of a conspiracy?

Source: Story of cities #29: Los Angeles and the ‘great American streetcar scandal’ | Cities | The Guardian


For their March 1958 issue, Family Circle magazine invited eight “authorities,” including Charles Eames, to offer advice on home decoration.

Source: Love and Discipline in the Age of Choices | Eames Office


+2 C everywhere and all of the time.

Analysis of difference between 1.5C and 2C of warming finds extra 0.5C would mean longer heatwaves, greater droughts and threats to crops and coral reefs

Source: Study reveals greater climate impacts of 2C temperature rise




Jake Phelps has run Thrasher Magazine for two decades. It may be killing him.

Source: Thrashed — The California Sunday Magazine


Links for 4/26/16

Enter surfing’s secret garden and get ready for the ride of your life

Source: Enter surfing’s secret garden and get ready for the ride of your life | Richard Williams | Sport | The Guardian


Introducing the Bahne Bamboo Tiki Longboard. This is a top of the line 44″ (111.76cm) classic longboard cruiser featuring a multi-ply hard wood maple & beautiful artisan Bamboo deck, rugged aluminum trucks & durable 70mm PU wheels.

Source: Bahne – Bamboo Tiki 44″ Longboard – Bahne Skateboards


Authorities are investigating whether pollution is to blame for a spate of mysterious mass fish deaths along the country’s central coast

Source: Vietnam investigates mass fish deaths



Skip Heller 78 RPM Release Party

Dionysus Records inaugural 78 RPM release does the label proud. Roots/exotica/rockabilly master Skip Heller returns to the imprint with Heller’s Hot 5

Source: 4/24: Skip Heller 78 RPM Release Party at La Luz de Jesus! –

Links for 4/18/16

Home – Take Down / Stay Down


Last month made five years since the nuclear plant at Fukushima, Japan suffered meltdowns. The release of highly toxic radiation from the reactors was enormous, on the level of the Chernobyl disast…

Source: Fukushima Five Years After: Health Researchers Turn Blind Eye to Casualties


Source: O.C. History Roundup: Polynesians were first to settle Orange County


Analysis shows that the diminutive Homo floresiensis, died out at least 50,000 years ago, making competition with modern humans a likely cause

Source: ‘Hobbit-like’ hominins died out sooner than thought. Were humans to blame? | Science | The Guardian


In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the prestigious John Hinde Studio, based in Dublin, produced a series  of elaborately staged photographs that were made into popular postcards – sold at Butlins holiday camps throughout the UK. In those days more than a million Britons had a holiday at Butlins every year. Three photographers, two German (Elmar Ludwig and …

Source: Seventeen Fabulous John Hinde Butlin’s Postcards c.1970 – Flashbak

Links for 4/16/16



the pickle barrel


Findings published on Tuesday are likely to replay a debate among climate scientists that started when a draft version of the paper came out last year.

Source: Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries


The US coast guard spotted castaways stranded on remote island near Micronesia three days after their boat capsized in south Pacific ocean

Source: Three men rescued off deserted island after spelling ‘help’ with palm leaves


Eden Ahbez – 14 rare/unreleased recordings – Hippie #1 – Fully annotated, with never before seen pictures. Guest appearances by Paul Horn and Eartha Kitt

Source: Eden Ahbez – Wild Boy – The Lost Songs Of Eden Ahbez


I’m a fisherman who dropped out of high school in 1986 at the age of 14. Over my lifetime, I’ve spent many nights in jai…

Source: The Seas Will Save Us: How an Army of Ocean Farmers are Starting an Economic Revolution — invironment — Medium