Links for 1/2/17

GhostShip: Mourn the Dead: Fight Like Hell For The Living- Guest Post by Marc Ribot | The Trichordist


Ron ‘Canoe’ Drummond was an author and surf pioneer whose massive 6’6 frame was eclipsed only by his passion for the Ocean. Drummond self-published The Art of Wave Riding at 24 ye…

Source: Sandy Pages: The Art of Wave Riding | Swell Lines


Eating at all of LA’s grand old restaurants and dives, one at a time


Most skaters know the commonly accepted story of how modern skateboarding was invented and popularized: In the 1950s, surfers who wanted to experience the sensation of riding waves on concrete started to disassemble roller skates and attach them to wooden boards.Surf shops and manufacturers began producing skateboards to capitalize on this newly forming market in the early 1960s. These boards looked like small surfboards.

Quelle: The Prehistoric Skateboard? | Jenkem Magazine


Tractor pull goes amazingly wrong