Robert Drasnin and Waitiki
at Tiki Oasis 8

Otto von Stroheim writes about Tiki Oasis 8 musical programming:

Tickets are on sale for Tiki Oasis 8!
Tickets have been on sale for a while
But I wanted to let you know
Hotel rooms are going fast and there are only a few VIP passes left

We very quietly added Robert Drasnin and Waitiki to the schedule recently
One of the best classic Exotica acts and one of the best new Exotica acts on the same bill!!

The Robert Drasnin orchestra features Skip Heller on atmospheric guitar, Alice Berry on wordless vocals (aka Formica Dinette), and Mark Riddle (Tikiyaki Orchestra) on keyboards, as well as members on Waitiki in the backing group.

To get an idea of what the show will be like on Sat check out this video from last year

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If you are already booked and are not aware of the room parties, please check them out here: