Links for 5/4/18

Denial by a Different Name


The Secret Language of Ships

Kai Sallas | Kaniela Stewart | Queens Surf Break, Waikiki Beach


Avoid Gulf stream disruption at all costs, scientists warn


Bells Beach: what lies beneath? Countless gnarly-beautiful marine creatures, that’s what!


The way of the dinosaur


Roy Orbison’s Gretsch/Gibson/Sho-bud Guitar


Portugal breaks 100% renewables mark but remains isolated


Why the lost kingdom of Patagonia is a live issue for Chile’s Mapuche people

Links for 4/25/18

‘Mountains and mountains of plastic’: life on Cambodia’s polluted coast


Why Indonesia’s Bajau people can stay submerged under water longer than you or me


Arabesque for Kenneth Anger (1958 – 61) by Marie Menken


The True Story of How Hawaii Became Part of the United States

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Archaeologists discover 81 ancient settlements in the Amazon


The Battle for Paradise


10,000 People Protested This Proposed Kinder Morgan Pipeline


Midcentury-inspired matching clothing by Charles Phoenix

Links for 4/9/18

Confidential Shell Oil Report Prompts Lawsuit: They Knew About Climate Change Decades Ago


Deadly oil spill devastates Borneo port city – in pictures


Federal report: High-tide flooding could happen ‘every other day’ by late this century


Earth’s Wonders Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before


Nuke waste stored right at SanO surf spot? What? How we can all help.


Ten Summers Long: the Best of Bombora – Various Artists


Hawaii’s Last Outlaw Hippies


They Saw Earth From Space. Here’s How It Changed Them.


Climate change skeptics run the Trump administration

Links for 2/27/18

Surf Rock alla Turca




White Settlers Buried the Truth About the Midwest’s Mysterious Mound Cities


scott foss, mellows ditch, hawaii @ ozzieausband


New waves: make a break for the ‘crown jewel’ of India’s surf scene in Tamil Nadu


The million-dollar mouse: navy heads to remote Antarctic islands to hunt out pest


25 years ago, a mutant American crayfish turned to asexual reproduction, and all of Europe’s lakes are filling up with its clones


Plastics Sicken Coral Reefs


Houses that can float, to survive climate flooding