Pop Surf Culture with
The Boardwalkers

Domenic Priore writes:

On Saturday @ 6, come by Stories Book Store, 1716 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California (Echo Park, just South of Alvarado) to hear surf instrumental combo The Boardwalkers live and in person.

They’ll be playing between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. at Stories for a book event based around my new one with Brian Chidester, ‘Pop Surf Culture: Music, Design, Film and Fashion from the Bohemian Surf Boom.’

Pop Surf Culture

Pop Surf Culture

Several television monitors around the shop will be screening a wide variety of pre-1970 surfing movies as background eye candy (and for Pop effect) as The Boardwalkers play, and we meet, greet and sign books.

For more information and a ton of groovy pics, check:
Comments on the blog site, very much appreciated. No one previous has presented The Rendezvous like this. Thanks, folk, and hope to see you @ Stories…

Weird Italian Surf

I can’t resist any video with a 1960s style main title inspired animation like this one. Click to view the video of Doctor Legume.

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quote from Facebook:

‘El Supersonico’ by Docteur Legume et Les Surfwerks
Source: www.youtube.com
big ass surf + hi-tech gadgets + espionage action into a cotton candy-flavored kaleidoscope Reverb-drenched surf music performed by Docteur Legume Et Les Surfwerks / weird onemanband from Italy

Links for 1/21/09

Hollywood To Establish Elmer Valentine Way

Phoenix Surf & Garage Cocktail Party feat. The Mod Zombies, The Rebel Set, & Thee Jaguar Sharks

Arizona Surf & garage Acts @The Ruby Room – Phoenix New Times

Movie Review: The Beach Boys and The Satan

Pop Surf Culture Book Event at Stories, L.A.

Surf Pop Culture

From Otto von Stroheim’s Tikievents list:

Book event for ‘Pop Surf Culture: Music, Design, Film and Fashion from the Bohemian Surf Boom’ in Echo Park, L.A., Saturday, February 2st, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Stories book store.

Domenic Priore, Brian Chidester, and The Boardwalkers will appear at Stories books, cafe, goods (1716 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles – near the corner of Echo Park Boulevard) on Saturday, February 21st from 6 to 9 p.m. The event is to celebrate the release of the Chidester/Priore book ‘Pop Surf Culture: Music, Design, Film and Fashion from the Bohemian Surf Boom’ (Santa Monica Press). The book traces surfing and Hawaiian music’s potent combo during early 20th Century Waikiki, directly to its landing on California shores, and their development into a true bohemian subculture by the late 1950s/early 1960s. Focus on Tiki, Surf instrumentals, Surf movies, Surf duds in the pre-1970 environment of Southern California is also offset by a look into Waikiki’s Lounge scene of the ’60s, and later revivals of Surf music during the punk/alt rock days as it mixed with Burlesque, Tiki culture and other things you are most likely a part of. So come down and have a ball, its FREE with live Surf instrumental music by The Boardwalkers and pre-1970 surfing movies projected throughout Stories’ book store. Again, the address is 1716 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. Phone: (213) 413-3733.

Here’s more info on the book Surf Pop Culture by Domenic Priore and Brian Chidester.

46 Classic TV- and Movie Opening Credits

opening still


  1. Lady in Cement
  2. The Prisoner
  3. Randall and Hopkirk Deceased
  4. Duffy
  5. Department S
  6. The Saint
  7. The Rockford files
  8. La Polizia ordina: sparate a vista
  9. The Avengers
  10. The Baron
  11. Columbo
  12. Seven Golden Men
  13. Cannon
  14. Deadly Shots on Broadway
  15. The Streets of San Francisco
  16. Superargo


  1. Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez
  2. My Favorite Martian
  3. Pink Panther


  1. No matter what shape your stomach is in


  1. Menace from the Bottom of the World
  2. Stingray
  3. Rod Scribner Opening for UPA shorts
  4. ?????????? ED
  5. Ghost A Go-Go


  1. The Cool Ones
  2. Sor Yeye
  3. The Mariners
  4. American Graffiti


  1. Assassination
  2. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
  3. Gerak Kilat
  4. Where the Spies Are
  5. Spy Today Die Tomorrow
  6. Spy in Your Eye
  7. Some Girls Do
  8. From the Orient with Fury
  9. Master Stroke
  10. Mission Bloody Mary


  1. Daktari
  2. The High Chaparral
  3. Der Schatz im Silbersee
  4. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
  5. Robinson Crusoe


  1. Love is a Many Splendored Thing
  2. Arabesque
  3. The Sandpiper

Pop Surf Culture – Book

I got it today, but could only read bits here and there so far.
My favorite quote currently is Johnny Bartlett saying:
“See, a lot of surf bands (in recent years) got it so wrong. It’s not just the guitar you use, or the sound you get, or the clothes you wear… it’s the whole package.”

I encourage anyone with an interest in Surf to buy it asap. It’s just epic.

Pop Surf Culture: Music, Design, Film, and Fashion from the Bohemian Surf Boom: Brian Chidester, Domenic Priore
This is going to be a must have book – just trust me. If you’ve read previous publications by the authors (like the latest Dumb Angel Magazine for example), you know they get deep into their subjects and have great sense for entertaining writing. They take you right there, with coolest people – connecting all the dots of southern california youth culture of the sixties.

link to Pop Surf Culture on Amazon for your pre-order. I am Amazon affiliated, which just means by using this link for a purchase you get a great book and support this blog at the same, for the same money. Why give it all to Amazon ;–?

The Bruce Brown Pre-The Endless Summer Surf-Movie Collection

Video On Demand from Amazon

…the first two minutes of videos automatically play at no charge to customers when they visit the product detail page. At any time during this 2-minute viewing period, customers can choose to purchase or rent the title to watch it in its entirety…

The Bruce Brown movies prior to The Endless Summer are now available for download from Amazon. Personally speaking: You got to have them all.

For reasons unknown to me Barefoot Adventure is not available.

Peaks & Points Kurzfilmnacht

Der Deutsche Wellenreiter Verband schreibt:

Präsentiere Deinen Surffilm den besten Surfern Deutschlands: Ende September ist es so weit! Deutschlands beste Wellenreiter treffen sich vom 27. September bis 4. Oktober in Seignosse / Südfrankreich zu den Quiksilver German Championships – den Deutschen Meisterschaften im Wellenreiten.

Wir nutzen diese Gelegenheit und starten die erste Kurzfilmnacht „Peaks & Points“ auf den Quicksilver German Championships.

Das Genre ist nicht festgelegt. Dokus, Surftrips, Action Videos, Geschichte, Comic etc… alles ist erlaubt, solange es mit Surfen zu tun hat. Kram in Deinen Archiven und schneide dein bestes Footage zu einem kurzen Filmchen zusammen.

Bewertet wird nach Qualität, Originalität, Stil und Kreativität des einzelnen Filmes. Nachdem eine Jury die Vorauswahl getroffen hat, werden die besten Filme auf den Quicksilver German Championships präsentiert und vom Publikum vor Ort bewertet. Der Gewinner sahnt ein nigelnagelneues Surfbrett der Marke Bufo ab. Außerdem gibt es noch zahlreiche weitere attraktive Preise zu gewinnen.

Hier die Teilnahmebedingungen:
– Limitierte Länge der Videos: 4 bis max. 6 Minuten
– Format: DVD und MiniDV-Tape
– Anzahl: Mehrere Videos pro Teilnehmer sind möglich

Einsendeschluss ist der 1.September 2008.

Du willst das Brett und den Ruhm? Dann schicke Deinen Film an:
Kolja Frase
Nostitzstr. 50
D-101568 Berlin

Die Filme können nicht zurückgeschickt werden. Sie werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Eure Filme werden bei der Kurzfilmnacht “Peaks & Points“ präsentiert. Die Gewinnerbeiträge werden außerdem noch einmal am 6. Dezember auf der großen DWV “Surf-O-Rama” Party in Köln einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt.

Die „Peaks & Points“ Kurzfilmnacht wird unterstützt durch bufo, fritt Boards, BLUE JUICE, Go Pro, Drop In Portugal-Surfcamp.de und strandgut.

Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter .

Eure Ansprechpartner sind Stefan Schieb, Mobil: +49 178 524 37 88, und Birgit Axler, Mobil: +49 163 252 63 45, Mail: pr at surf-dwv.com, die Pressesprecher des DWV.

Enchanted Tiki Luau
at Egyptian Theatre

July 25 – 26, 2008

Enchanted Tiki Luau Blow-Out
An Egyptian Theatre exclusive!

After the success of our Tiki events the past three summers, we’re back again with more exotic ephemera: more fun feature films, diverting oddball shorts, vendors, food, music and more! We’ll be showing old-school island adventure pics Fair Wind to Java, Aloma of The South Seas and Her Jungle Love (all in gorgeously saturated color) will screen along with artist Kevin Kidney’s collection of rare, island-themed TV surprises. Join us in the Egyptian’s Courtyard for a Royal Southern California-style Luau with exotic musical entertainment from King Kukelele and his Friki Tikis and the Polynesian Paradise Dancers. There will also be Tiki vendors and other special surprises in the courtyard on Saturday from 1:00 PM until we shut it down.

read more at Tiki_Weekend_ET