Links for 4/17/19

Big Religion May Have Gotten Too Much Credit for the Evolution of Modern Society



Snow-powered nanogenerator works where solar panels don’t


Brad’s Page of Steel


Norway’s Kon-Tiki museum to return thousands of Easter Island artefacts


Mai Tais Are Better Than You Think


Video of a cute bubble car from 1942

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Cocktail of the week: the media luna


Join LGC Singapore’s monthly gatherings!


Listening to Nature: How Sound Can Help Us Understand Environmental Change


Climate Change As A Matter Of International Security


Reverb 10,000: The Tiki Men Story

Links for 4/2/19

Scientists think they’ve solved one mystery of Easter Island’s statues


The boy on a raft in Manila Bay – in pictures


Retro classic: Wild and Wolf 746 telephone


The “Tragedy of the Commons” was invented by a white supremacist based on a false history, and it’s toxic bullshit


Too black, too strong: who killed Sam Cooke?


Tasmania’s lakes among most contaminated in the world


WindPal is a practical solution for outdoor lovers to charge their devices. It’s a lightweight (less than 1 kg), portable wind turbine that generates power. And it can be assembled in less than one minute


The Warriors at 40: the enduring appeal of a New York classic


Get Paul well and prospering


Doomsday postponed? What to take from the big new Antarctica studies


Makaha Skateboard Team 1965


‘Worrying’ rise in global CO2 forecast for 2019


Doomsday clock stays at two minutes to midnight as crisis now ‘new abnormal’

Links for 12/7/18

Mysterious ghost boats full of corpses keep washing up in Japan


Elektroautos: Aston Martin elektrifiziert Klassiker


Sentinel Island’s ‘peace-loving’ tribe had centuries of reasons to fear missionary


Letting Malibu Burn


Tropical paradise: tiki and rum at London’s Laki Kane


Monster shirts based on an episode of Leave it to Beaver


Entire city of Malibu evacuated as Woolsey Fire more than doubles in size over 24 hours


Born & Bred – award-winning short on Mal Sutherland by granddaughter Michaela Sutherland

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Links for 5/9/18

1921 ghost ship off Cape Hatteras.


comic strip


Salmon caught near Seattle proven to be inundated with antidepressants, cocaine and more


Climate Change Is Already Depressing the Price of Flood-Prone Real Estate


Gaius Publius: Fracking Has Brought the World to the Brink of Disaster


1960s-style Luka EV electric car by MW Motors


World’s largest solar energy project will be 100 times bigger than any other on the planet


Why the lost kingdom of Patagonia is a live issue for Chile’s Mapuche people