Links for 1/21/17

The Silicon Valley founders of the Seasteading Institute have falsely promoted themselves for some time as philanthropists.

Source: Helen Razer: Seasteading Institute a taxless safe space for rich, white men


The logic that maximizing GDP, which is just the summation of all goods and services exchanged for money, will somehow lead to a better world for all is so obviously flawed, yet it continues to be held in high regard by almost every mainstream economist.

Source: Globalization Makes No Sense


From cutting down on meat to contacting your local representatives and investing in clean energy, here are 15 ways to help reduce global carbon emissions

Source: How to reduce your carbon footprint #GlobalWarning | Environment | The Guardian




Jerome and Evelyn Ackerman – Wikipedia


Jonathan Taplin’s new book demonstrates how intellectual property has been hijacked by Facebook, Amazon and Google.

Source: Peter Bart: Content Creators Robbed Blind By Apple, Google, Facebook | Deadline


Listen/Download – Funky16Corners Pays Tribute to Billy Miller from the WFMU Rock and Soul Ichiban Stream 1/1/17 MP3

Source: Funky16Corners » Funky16Corners Pays Tribute to Billy Miller



Source: 200,000 years of human population growth in 5 minutes


This water-resistant charger is powered by the sun