Links for 7/20/24

AI’s Bizarro World, we’re marching towards AGI while carbon emissions soar

This New Map Reveals The Predicted Future Climate Where You Live

The father of Chicano art photography

These States Are Actually Aiming for More Pedestrians to Die On Their Roads This Year — Streetsblog USA

Berlin In The Summer of 1957 by Willy Pragher


A World Without Insurance: A Climate-Future Look at Property Values

Tech bro fascism looks like a lot like old-fashioned fascism

Gremmie Skateboards

“I’m not a climate change guy,” says a guy about to lose his home to climate change

New research supports Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on South Americans in the Pacific

Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide

Links for 6/15/24

Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life

‘Underwater bicycle’ propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

‘We’re in our 20s but live in the 1940s’

A response to Hannah Ritchie:  How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Economic Growth  

2-5 years to sci-fi level AI? Former OpenAI employee sounds alarm

Papa Doo Run Run America’s Music ~ California’s Band

Rooler Gab

Public has no right to swim in sea, claims firm that dumped sewage at bathing spot

“I Don’t Believe in Growth”

Why We Need “Degrowth” ? Current Affairs

California town asked to return a beachside hotel

Spencer’s Shenanigans

Links for 3/5/24

Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

Sacred cultural site returned to Ohlone people

Intimate portraits of Indigenous Alaskans – in pictures

Famous Classical Composers as Lounge Pianists

Harmonica Quartet Performs an Incredible Cover of the Jazz Classic ‘Take Five’ by Dave Brubeck

Dapper Signs: Sign Painter, Human, Legend

Unstrapped Potential: The Possibility in Bindingless Riding

Florida Keys coral reefs devastated by 2023 heat wave

Big Oil’s Marketing Campaign Is Targeting US Classrooms

Why is Mark Zuckerberg building a private apocalypse bunker in Hawaii?

Runaway Greenhouse Effect Fully Simulated on Earth For The First Time, And It’s “Hell”

Links for 2/24/24

Meet The Billionaires Buying Up Hawai

Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide

‘Laying claim to nature’s work’: plant patents sow fear among small growers

How the Oil Industry Indefinitely Delays Cleaning Up Oil and Gas Wells in California

Climate misinformation is mutating on YouTube – and the platform is profiting

For Surfers – polyola

California Sues Giant Oil Companies, Citing Decades of Deception

Breakthrough in understanding whale language

These Aviation Geeks painstakingly Re-Created a 1970s Pan Am Flight

Links for2/9/24

System overthrow – The victory of nature over capitalism (video)

Wired Warriors: The Internet Indians Leading The Fight for Amazonia | Full Documentary

Too Much Heat, Past and Present

I Marc 4

US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction (scientists don’t have the resources)

How The Surfaris’ Wipe Out became a dancefloor hit in remote communities across Australia’s outback

The evolution of the music of California’s pioneer surfers

Icelandic surfers fear port development will ruin ‘perfect point break’

Private equity profits from climate disaster clean-up – while investing in fossil fuels

Reparations for climate change? Some think oil companies should pay

The Unknown Giants of the Deep Oceans

Links for 11/19/23

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster

140-year-old ocean heat tech could supply islands with limitless energy

How global warming shakes the Earth: Seismic data show ocean waves gaining strength as the planet warms

Winold Reiss and the Congo Room— 1st Tiki Bar ? A Tiki Bar before they were called that

Elon Musk Unmasked: Shaping the Future (Part 4)

What can a software developer do about climate change?

The climate threat to California’s stored nuclear waste

Brave Kiwi woman’s morning swim with curious orcas

For Sale! Kitschy Time Capsule Pad, Perfect for Drinking Martinis All Day Long

‘It’s absolutely guaranteed’: the best and worst case scenarios for sea level rise

Indigenous nation in US seeks to block billion-dollar port project in Canada

Two Fed Up Redditors Launched a Site to Anonymously Rate Your Landlord

Dark City. The Real Los Angeles Noir