Links for 2/10/16

Source: Show the Love this Valentine’s Day | For the love of




Environmental groups — including all surf environmental groups — are concerned over proposed firing of California Coastal Commission’s Executive Director, Dr. Charles Lester. Here’s why.

Source: Battle Lines Drawn In California — and Why Surfers Should Care


Over in Davos world leaders are desperately trying to find a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ to keep the ‘growth’ juggernaut rolling, write Bennet Francis & Rupert Read. But their efforts are doomed: the real challenge we face is to build a healthy, more equal society and a green, sustainable future for us all.

Source: Peak stuff: have we reached the end of the ‘growth’ party? – The Ecologist


Source: ‘The Devil’s Toy’: The evils of skateboarding exposed! | Dangerous Minds


The Obama administration is expected to propose new rules as soon as Friday to curb methane leaks from oil and natural gas production, its latest attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy production under its control, sources familiar with the plan said.

Source: U.S. to tackle oil and gas methane waste on public lands: sources

Links or 11/5/15

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Source: In 1959, a white journalist traveled the Deep South posing as a black man. The conditions horrified him. / Boing Boing


[] WHO are to warn about the cancer threat caused by eating processed meats.

Source: Processed meats ‘on same carcinogenic level as cigarettes’ in Headline says what? curated by Louisiana World Network #LWN


Source: Prepare to have your head ripped off by the buzzsaw guitar of Love Sculpture’s ‘Sabre Dance’ | Dangerous Minds


Forum topic created by Beertubes on October 30, 2015.

Source: | Forums: South East Asia Surf Music Movement


Source: El Niño w/Mark Sponsler | Swell Lines

Links for 10/12/15


By Stefan Rahmstorf via Scilogs The past 2000 years of climate change have now been reconstructed in more detail than ever before by the PAGES 2k project.

Source: Most Comprehensive Paleoclimate Reconstruction Confirms Hockey Stick


Joining the chorus of watchdogs who say Volkswagen (VW) must pay for its corporate crime, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) on Tuesday released an analysis charging that financial penalties for the company’s environmental violations should be no less than $25.1 billion in the United States alone.

Source: Not Just Consumer Fraud, VW Scandal Called ‘Crime Against Climate’


This is How Americans were Enjoying Their Beaches in 1948


Check out this clip of Jan and Dean lip-syncing Sidewalk Surfin’ on American Bandstand. August 22, 1964. Dick Clark talks with audience a little bit about skateboarding (a young man’s g…

Source: Jan and Dean, which one was a poser?