Links for 4/7/24

Skaters with The Best Names

Tea Tree with Taylor Jensen, Tully White, Jack Tyro, Hiroka Yoshikawa, Christy Crookes

A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change

Interview: Why global support for climate action is ‘systematically underestimated’

They Lost Their Land to the Park Service. Now They’re Losing It to Climate Change.

How climate change is messing up the ocean’s biological clock, with unknown long-term consequences

Zombie climate myths that refuse to die (feat. Bob Henson)

How War Became a Business

Big oil uncovered

Location Scouting for Wes Anderson

The Videogame Industry is Larger Than Film and TV Combined, Why Aren’t They Paying Musicians Fairly?