Links for 1/27/17

New and old tiki bars that will blow your mind with their exotica playlists, velvet paintings and strong, carefully-crafted drinks.

Source: The Best Tiki Bars in Southern California | L.A. Weekly


The quest for speed at the dawn of the Shortboard Revolution. Excerpted from the new issue of TSJ.

Source: Edge Boards and The Mysterious Mr. X | The Surfers Journal


Cars, clothes, diamonds and jets: it’s time we addressed just how much the wealthy are hurting the planet.

Source: Rich and famous lifestyles are damaging the environment in untold ways



Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


It has long been thought sea frolicking has many health benefits. Using seawater for medical purposes even has a name: thalassotherapy.

Source: Why swimming in the ocean is good for you – Business Insider


Renewable energy in the U.S. isn’t as strong as it is in developing countries, and it’s important to understand why.

Source: themotleyfool Why Latin America and China Are Beating the U.S. in Renewable Energy