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The 3rd board they put in front of the camera has a raked fin (!).
Inside The Star Club Hafenpolizei 1962
Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help
The modern CEO job is completely broken — but AI could make executives useful again
Riley Balsawood now in Italy – and available through Europe
Carbon Offsets Have a Fatal Flaw
Crisis in the Amazon: Will the largest rainforest in the world survive? – BBC World Service
The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Weaponizing the First Amendment to Silence Its Critics
The Muslim WWII Heroine that Time Forgot
Evidence of hominins building wooden structures half a million years ago
“VC qanon” and the radicalization of the tech tycoons – Anil Dash
Meet The Billionaires Buying Up Hawai
Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide
‘Laying claim to nature’s work’: plant patents sow fear among small growers
How the Oil Industry Indefinitely Delays Cleaning Up Oil and Gas Wells in California
Climate misinformation is mutating on YouTube – and the platform is profiting
California Sues Giant Oil Companies, Citing Decades of Deception
Breakthrough in understanding whale language
These Aviation Geeks painstakingly Re-Created a 1970s Pan Am Flight
A Rapid Transition To Renewable Energy Is Possible. Uruguay Proved It
CBC gets super pedantic about big waves in California
How the Mirror World Distorts Our Reality
Florida’s Lost Tourist Attractions
Is It Time To Embrace Geoengineering?
US Regions Will Suffer a Stunning Variety of Climate-Caused Disasters, Report Finds
Toxins hidden in plastics are the industry’s dirty secret – recycling is not the answer
Seeking Full Employment Without Falling Prey to Neoliberal Traps
‘License to hide’: Western plastic waste dumped in Myanmar
The sea is rising — and the clock is ticking
Two men are airlifted from the middle of the ocean after a tiny but deadly jellyfish stings them
The Videogame Industry is Larger Than Film and TV Combined, Why Aren’t They Paying Musicians Fairly?
Vintage Surfboard Collector Club @ The Boardroom Show 2023
From Morocco to Cuba, this Guy is Documenting the World’s Endangered Cinemas
How cars ruin wild animals’ lives
Dead before arrival: The governance of stratospheric aerosol injection
Australia faces unprecedented grassfires next summer ‘supercharged’ by global heating
There Is Always An Alternative
Global warming is disrupting humanity’s ‘Goldilocks zone’ on Earth
What is a polarizer skateboard? Here’s what I know
Streamliner Trains that Oozed the Elegance of Old World Travel
Listen to this blistering version of Secret Agent Man, played by Luna Lee on the gayageum
Climate Crisis Is on Track to Push One-Third of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment
A belief in meritocracy is not only false: it’s bad for you
Doug Rushkoff Is Ready to Renounce the Digital Revolution
Could This Be the Final Frontier for Renewable Energy?
Return to the Water documentary
Are You Using Your Leash Wrong?
Meet the first famous female rock&roll drummer
How to make your wardrobe sustainable
Gov. DeSantis Urged to Veto Radioactive Roads Bill
Grosso Forever: Loveletter To Japan
British Longboard Union highlights reel: Porthmeor Longboard Classic, April 2023
Indigenous peoples caught in the Russia-Ukraine war
Sisters Stacia and Ashley Ahina
Ecocide: Should destroying nature be an international crime?
The Floating Basket Homes of Iraq: A Paradise Almost Lost to Saddam
The Fight to Expose Corporations’ Real Impact on the Climate
Takeshi Terauchi, Japan’s Eleki God
Concern grows over rich nations controlling sunlight
So.. You Can Longboard Dance? 2022 | Memories
The dark side of plastic: understanding the impact on our bodies, ecosystems, and the world
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid
Coastal residents fear ‘hideous’ seawalls will block waterfront views
Korean Cowboys of the Old World