Great Surf Soundtrack Comp!

chaiman of the board comp cover

Quoting from their MySpace profile:

Surf Soundtracks 1964 – 1974 Released on July 2nd on Harmless Records

Never mind the Beach Boys, Chairman Of The Board is a collection of vintage soundtracks from iconic cult surf films. Underground film makers wanted original music, a harder sound to reflect the new wilder cinematic expression now possible on the face of a wave. The soundtrack they chose to enhance this visual experimentation was the mellower stoner blues and psychedelic rock, which perfectly captured the cerebral highs of living the alternative dream. The music featured on this compilation, some of which has never been released, originates from six of these classic surf films.

I have some of the films on VHS or DVD, and some of the released soundtracks on vinyl. It’s a really great genre with a very high musical standard. And it’s something you can play to people if they ask you what music surfers listened to, in the 60s (and early 70s in this case).

Hammond Organ Spy-Jazz

Ingfried Hoffmann plays Bond

Ingfried Hoffmann – Plays Jazz for Secret Agents

Fantastic organ led spy-jazz cd. Mostly Bond titles from the early movies, but some great originals too. A nifty guitar player is involved here as well!!!

Ingfried Hoffmann - Jazz Club: Hammond Bond

iTunes link

Tiki News Website

Where would Tiki be without Otto von Stroheim’s Tiki News?

Established in 1995, Tiki News is a printed magazine containing 84 + pages packed full of historic and current Tiki information. The first magazine to solely cover Tiki!

The same folks bring you Tiki Oasis each year!

The original Tiki weekender! This August 16-19 join us in San Diego for the seventh Tiki Oasis! Experience top Exotica and Surf bands, the best DJs in the country spinning vintage vinyl, vendors selling unique Tiki trinkets and idols, relax poolside or dance the night away at the Hanelei Hotel! Come and enjoy three nights and three days of fun in the sun!

Pacific Ocean Park

The first ime I was introduced to Pacific Ocean Park was on a Surfer’s Mood surf comp in the early 90s, through two tracks from a promo 45 that were included by the Restless Surfer.
So now I found this video at YouTube about it. Thereabouts must have been the later Dogtown, where Tony Alva and fellow skaters developed their new skating styles in the seventies.

Watch the Pacific Ocean Park video here.

Save Independent Internet Radio

forwarded from Luxuriamusic:


A bill has been introduced that will save independent internet radio from the huge royalty payments that the CRB recently handed down. Call your Representative right now and ask them to co-sponsor the “Internet Radio Equality Act”, introduced by Representative Jay Inslee. This bill will set royalty rates that internet radio pays to the same reasonable level that satellite radio pays.

Please call the House switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your representative.

If you don’t know who your representative is, you can find them here

Go to for more information

Then tell them:

– I am a constituent and I’m calling to ask Congressman/woman ________ to save Internet radio by co-sponsoring the Internet Radio Equality Act.

– Due to the recent Copyright Royalty Boards decision to significantly
increase royalty rates for webcasters. In the case of most independent
Internet radio stations, the royalties amount to several times their gross revenues!

– Without this bill, my favorite Internet radio stations will be forced off the air and I do NOT want that to happen. Please tell Congressman/woman ________ to co-sponsor the Internet Radio Equality Act, which sets royalties for Internet radio that is fair and in-line with what other digital radio services pay.

Other information you may want to share:

– Internet radio stations have been paying royalties, and are happy to pay reasonable royalties that fairly compensate artists for the music they make. But putting webcasters out of business by royalties that are
several times their gross revenues will actually harm artists who depend on independent Internet radio to get their music out to fans, build new audiences and sell their music. When internet radio goes off the air, so do artists.

Feel free to mention how much music you’ve discovered through LuxuriaMusic, or that you’ve learned about music that you never heard any place else.

Also, please forward this to your friends who love internet radio, and help get the word out. Since getting a bill passed in Congress is a difficult, we need to contact our representatives NOW!

Thank you for your help,

The LuxuriaMusic Team

Here’s a page on the subject.

Rare Gretsch Tiki Guitar

Tiki Talk made me aware of this rare bird from Gretsch a while ago. The guitar is based on the very rare Gretsch White Penguin, which is like a small bodied White Falcon. You can see one like this in the Beat Club appearance by the Small Faces, or here.

Update by baxter from the Gretschpages:

Couple of notes on the Easton White Tiki:

Vintage White Penguins are excruciatingly rare. A real Holy Grail guitar. Few people have ever even seen one. However, they have been reissued, and modern ones aren’t particularly difficult to come by.

The White Tiki itself doesn’t share much with the penguin beyond the white paint, although it was undeniably inspired by it. It’s actually much closer to standard signature model (6128EE, in Gretsch model numbers) only with the white finish and tiki trappings that Elliot’s a big fan of.

Response to the guitar was overwhelmingly positive, () but for whatever reason Elliot and Gretsch parted ways and that was the end of that. As far as I know, only the one prototype was made.

If I hunt, I maybe able to find the revised headstock treatment I created for it.

New Sven Kirsten Book Tiki Modern

After the groundbreaking book on Tiki Pop-Culture of the mid-20th century Tiki Modern follows up with the perfect companion, focusing even more on the interior design aspects of modern Tiki during his heyday.

Deutsch Kurzbeschreibung von der Seite:

Kurzbeschreibung: Dieses amüsante Buch bringt zwei der jüngsten Retro-Trends zusammen: Das Faible für die 1950er und 60er sowie den Tiki-Style. Mit einer Mischung aus Enthusiasmus und Ironie zeigt Autor Sven Kirsten, wie Naivität und Moderne Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts Hand in Hand gingen. Im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes schrecklich moderne Möbel verbanden alten Kitsch und neue Heldenverehrung zum Beispiel Kreationen aus dem Hause Witco; dem Unternehmen, das Elvis Presleys ‘Jungle Room’ und Hugh Hefners Playboy-Pool schuf. Eine wahre Hoch-Zeit des Designs!

hier geht’s zum Shop

2nd Tiki Art Exhibition Amsterdam

Forwarded from Hankabilly on MySpace:

Tiki Art Exhibition opens by Shaman Lapu Lapu from Tiki Island.
Sun April 15 from 4 pm
“2nd Tiki Art Exhibition” till May 20 2007

This group show of new work inspired by Tiki by
Sam Gambino (usa)
Heather Watts (can)
Tiki Tony (usa)
Tiki Racer (uk)
Jasper Fijnvandraat