Links for 9/5/13

Diana Nyad shark swim: How dangerous are the sharks between Cuba and Florida? – Slate Magazine

Stephen Schneider: Science and Distortion in the Climate Change Debate – Faun Kime

Beethoven’s Ode to Joy Played With 167 Theremins Placed Inside Matryoshka Dolls in Japan | Open Culture

vintage everyday: Marilyn Monroe on vacation in Amagansett, New York, 1957

Florida Fights to Save a Troubled Lagoon and Its Once-Flourishing Marine Life – Wired Science

Asia Conference Links Healthy Oceans, Communities and Economies | Global Partnership for Oceans

BREAKING… Fukushima Disaster Leaves Hundreds of Whales Radiated to Death | National Report

Links for 9/4/13

New Zealand has warmest winter on record | World news |

Solar energy – how much has been wasted up to this point? – Who, what, why: How does a skyscraper melt a car?

Facts about Global Warming and the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Secret Tactics to Undermine Them – Exposing the Disinformation Playbook: An Interactive Slideshow | Union of Concerned Scientists

Global Public Square

Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico

Saving Beach Water Testing Programs | Surfrider Foundation

New method to analyse chemical contaminants in marine waters – News & events – JRC – European Commission

Links for 9/2/13

Biologists worried by migratory birds’ starvation, seen as tied to climate change – The Washington Post

500 fires rage across Sumatra

Fukushima radiation levels 18 times higher than previously thought

Study: We’re Headed To 11°F Warming And Even 7°F Requires ‘Nearly Quadrupling The Current Rate Of Decarbonisation’ | ThinkProgress

At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over | Hawaii Is Hot

LOST LOS ANGELES – The Beaches 1950 – YouTube

Scientists Discover A New Species Of ‘Walking’ Shark – Business Insider

It Could Have All Gone So Differently | Preservation Sound