Links for 7/13/24

In ‘Kiosk,’ Visit the Tiny Disappearing Urban Shops of Eastern Europe

Program: Climate change threatening Australian live music

Hawai‘i Gov. Josh Green signs bill banning seabed mining in state waters | Kauai Now

The Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis — ProPublica

The Simpler Way

The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth

The economics of enough: Dan O’Neill at TEDxOxbridge

Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like

Mike Doyle – Surfing Memories – the Early Years

The New Jersey Review of Beach Trash

The US Is Ugly. THIS is Why.

Marshall Brain: This is the worst possible time for “climate change optimism” | WRAL TechWire

Links for 6/29/24

Despite living a walkable distance to a public pool, American man shows how street and urban design makes it dangerous and almost un-walkable

How sets travel across the ocean

Why the world’s oceans are changing colour

The world’s oceans just broke an important climate change record

What Is a Steady-State Economy? How Do We Achieve It?

The Unortho_docs | Episode 1 – Richie Jackson

The Ideology of Human Supremacy

Sun Hips

Big Oil Ignores Millions of Climate Deaths When Billions in Profit Are at Stake

Degrowth: The Vision We Must Demand

Video: Goodbye, snow?

‘Future studies could validate more of Thor Heyerdahl’s hypotheses on the Pacific’

They Lost Their Land to the Park Service. Now They’re Losing It to Climate Change.

Links for 3/5/24

Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

Sacred cultural site returned to Ohlone people

Intimate portraits of Indigenous Alaskans – in pictures

Famous Classical Composers as Lounge Pianists

Harmonica Quartet Performs an Incredible Cover of the Jazz Classic ‘Take Five’ by Dave Brubeck

Dapper Signs: Sign Painter, Human, Legend

Unstrapped Potential: The Possibility in Bindingless Riding

Florida Keys coral reefs devastated by 2023 heat wave

Big Oil’s Marketing Campaign Is Targeting US Classrooms

Why is Mark Zuckerberg building a private apocalypse bunker in Hawaii?

Runaway Greenhouse Effect Fully Simulated on Earth For The First Time, And It’s “Hell”

Links for 4/14/24

Ausstellung Kunst der Südsee in Ulm

Rethinking Economic Systems Inside the Planetary and Social Boundaries | T. Parrique | ChangeNOW2024

MAD’s 1969 “Super Patriot” is MAGA before MAGA was MAGA

The Climate Costs of Big Tech

The climate is doomed if we continue to be fixated by economic growth

75 years of Kon-Tiki: ‘Thor Heyerdahl’s theory of Polynesian-indigenous American contact still relevant today’

The Doomsday Clock reveals how close we are to total annihilation

Why are people climate change deniers? Study reveals unexpected results

Electric Vehicles Use Half the Energy of Gas-Powered Vehicles

Companies are Sinking Plant Waste into the Ocean to Combat Climate Change

Links for 4/7/24

Skaters with The Best Names

Tea Tree with Taylor Jensen, Tully White, Jack Tyro, Hiroka Yoshikawa, Christy Crookes

A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change

Interview: Why global support for climate action is ‘systematically underestimated’

They Lost Their Land to the Park Service. Now They’re Losing It to Climate Change.

How climate change is messing up the ocean’s biological clock, with unknown long-term consequences

Zombie climate myths that refuse to die (feat. Bob Henson)

How War Became a Business

Big oil uncovered

Location Scouting for Wes Anderson

The Videogame Industry is Larger Than Film and TV Combined, Why Aren’t They Paying Musicians Fairly?

Links for 3/3/24

Plastic industry knew recycling was a farce for decades yet deceived the public, report reveals

Curious shift in ocean currents is having chilling impact on Outer Banks, experts say

Net-Zero Targets Face Reality Check

The Streetdog

Fossil Companies Face $50B Lawsuit Over 2021 Heat Dome Deaths

How archivists are working to capture not just tapes of old TV and radio but the experience of tuning in together

Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’, say scientists

How Corporations Are Changing Skateboarding and Why It Matters – Jenkem Magazine

A Compendium of Vintage Pool Parties

‘We are very vulnerable’: cyclone-hit Vanuatu pins climate hopes on UN vote

Links for 2/24/24

Meet The Billionaires Buying Up Hawai

Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide

‘Laying claim to nature’s work’: plant patents sow fear among small growers

How the Oil Industry Indefinitely Delays Cleaning Up Oil and Gas Wells in California

Climate misinformation is mutating on YouTube – and the platform is profiting

For Surfers – polyola

California Sues Giant Oil Companies, Citing Decades of Deception

Breakthrough in understanding whale language

These Aviation Geeks painstakingly Re-Created a 1970s Pan Am Flight

Links for2/9/24

System overthrow – The victory of nature over capitalism (video)

Wired Warriors: The Internet Indians Leading The Fight for Amazonia | Full Documentary

Too Much Heat, Past and Present

I Marc 4

US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction (scientists don’t have the resources)

How The Surfaris’ Wipe Out became a dancefloor hit in remote communities across Australia’s outback

The evolution of the music of California’s pioneer surfers

Icelandic surfers fear port development will ruin ‘perfect point break’

Private equity profits from climate disaster clean-up – while investing in fossil fuels

Reparations for climate change? Some think oil companies should pay

The Unknown Giants of the Deep Oceans