Links for 5/13/23

Listen to Brian Wilson’s isolated vocals on “Don’t Worry Baby”

See Photos of the Hand-Built Boat That Might Sail from Sausalito to Hawaii

Das Meer und der Müll – Treibgut in der Tiefsee – Dagmar Röhrlich (2008)

The thinking error that makes people susceptible to climate change denial

See how a quick-fix climate solution could also trigger war

1960s Queensland – ‘Route One: Highway to the Sun’

How We Met: Poison Ivy and Lux Interior

Uranium Stories: the largest nuclear disaster in US history, 43 years later

Links for 4/7/23

How a tax break meant to curb climate change could make it worse

The terrible toll of the cruise ship industry

Last orders? Belgium’s Trappist beers under threat as vocations run dry

All the ways the most common bit of climate misinformation is wrong

As Pacific islanders, we bear the brunt of the climate crisis. The time to end fossil fuel dependence is now

Where Did All the Surfable Waves Go?

The Mythical Indigenous Australians Guarding their Rainforest

Lost Albums: Jim Fassett | The Symphony of The Birds

Skategeezer’ Explores Death and Dying in New Book

?Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality

Genetics reveal how humans island-hopped to settle remote Pacific

Links for 3/19/23

‘Unprecedented’ Surge in Ocean Plastic Waste Could Accelerate in Future

The creeping threat of the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt

It’s like a cult!

Saab Sonett

Dorothea Lange’s Censored Photographs of FDR’s Japanese Concentration Camps

Why Methane Surged in 2020

The Ghetto Brothers: Lost Legends of Rock’n’Roll

Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s

Ancient Mystery SANXINGDUI

To truly reach net zero emissions, we need to transform the business supply chain

Links for 3/11/23

Could a Ming dynasty Buddha found near an Australian beach rewrite history?

High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN

Fantastic Nantasket: 1905

The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret

A critical ocean system may be heading for collapse due to climate change, study finds

“I Don’t Come Onstage To Pose and Play Some Pyrotechnic Scales. It’s To Kick Some Serious Ass”: Dick Dale Talks Gigs and Gear

Yap: How Did You Know We’d Like TV? (1981)