Links for 10/28/23

Seeking Full Employment Without Falling Prey to Neoliberal Traps

‘License to hide’: Western plastic waste dumped in Myanmar

The sea is rising — and the clock is ticking

Two men are airlifted from the middle of the ocean after a tiny but deadly jellyfish stings them

The Videogame Industry is Larger Than Film and TV Combined, Why Aren’t They Paying Musicians Fairly?

Vintage Surfboard Collector Club @ The Boardroom Show 2023

From Morocco to Cuba, this Guy is Documenting the World’s Endangered Cinemas

How cars ruin wild animals’ lives

Dead before arrival: The governance of stratospheric aerosol injection

Australia faces unprecedented grassfires next summer ‘supercharged’ by global heating

The Limits to Growth (video)

While the quantity of fossil fuels in the ground is underestimated at several points in the video, the composition of the atmospheric layers around us is not mentioned (much). This might lead some to dismiss the concept of limits. So a portion of people concerned with the environment didn’t think about the consequences of burning because it would all end in time anyway?

Links for 10/1/23

Meet the Shadowy Network Vilifying Climate Protestors Around the World

Forever chemicals at former Nasa lab are leaking into LA River, say watchdogs

The State of Berlin After Hitler

Scientists still unable to identify bizarre golden egg found at the bottom of the ocean

Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

The Cognitive Dissonance Of Climate Collapse

Murder Offsets (permalink)

A shocking number of birds are in trouble

Stars could be invisible within 20 years as light pollution brightens night skies

Recycling can release huge quantities of microplastics, study finds

The Real Life of Your Selfie

Cities reviving downtowns by converting offices to housing

See amazing Northwest Coast Native artwork from Canada

Links for 9/18/23

Life Doesn’t Have to Zuck

Earth now way outside “safe operating space for humanity,” says new report

Even Dimming The Sun Wouldn’t Save Antarctica’s Ice Now, Scientists Say

The history of rock and roll poster art

Werner Voss’s Rock’n’Roll Museum

Joyce Carol Vincent: How could this young woman lie dead and undiscovered for almost three years?

Manus Island and Nauru: previously unseen testimony and AI imagery reveal ‘unimaginable’ part of Australian history

Column: Is the reign of the surf thugs at Lunada Bay finally coming to an end? Looks like it

Snoop Asks in @hypebot: “How can you get a billion streams and not get a million dollars?”

How to Responsibly Dispose of Your Electronics

Insurer cites “growing catastrophe exposure” as it stops new sales in California

Insurance giant halts sale of new home policies in California due to wildfires

The Rules of the Economy

A good day to remember that the rules of the Earth system are determined by physics and biology, and the rules of the economy are made up by a small group of self-interested people and could change.


Links for 6/25/23

Manhattan Beach, California, 1950s

The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens

Vicious Accelerating Feedbacks Between Far Right Politics and Climate Catastrophe

Rich people must allow access to a public beach

George Monbiot’s Regenesis — you won’t think about dinner the same way again

D-Day’s Historic Beaches Face a New Onslaught: Rising Seas

What Happens When You Tax Billionaires at 90 Percent?

‘High amounts’ of flesh-eating bacteria and ocean plastics create ‘perfect pathogen storm’ in Florida seaweed

Why The IndieWeb?

Is it too late to halt deep-sea mining? Meet the activists trying to save the seabed

Plastic pollution could be slashed by 80% by 2040, UN says

Decolonization or Extinction: Indigenous Red Deal Lays Out Plan to Save the Earth

Peter Cook & Dudley Moore – “Superthunderstingcar”

Links for 6/17/23

Vast fossil fuel and farming subsidies causing ‘environmental havoc’

Traditional Development – #6 in the Strong Towns Curbside Chat Video Series

A shocking number of birds are in trouble

Species on the Move: How Climate Change Is Re-Making Ecosystems

America’s Radioactive Secret

Refreshments were once served from a giant owl-shaped building in Long Beach, California

@justinebateman wants to see AI contract terms in actor agreements and music folk should be checking, too

Fish Are Not Insentient Dullards

Mexico Could Lead the World On Solar Energy?—?And Why it Needs To

Carl Sagan: a lovely and powerful new short film and automaton installation about the urgency of environmental action (video)

6 things to know about heat pumps, a climate solution in a box

The Animals on the beach in California – a world away from Newcastle-on-Tyne in Northern England

The Floating Basket Homes of Iraq: A Paradise Almost Lost to Saddam

To Fight Coastal Erosion, Design a Bespoke Artificial Reef

Monsieur Hulot’s Parisian House

We can’t afford to choose adaptation over cutting emissions – suggesting otherwise is dangerous

Déplacer Le Silence With Lola Mignot

Stolen Relations: recovering stories of indigenous enslavement in the Americas

Last Waves Legends

Dancers performing “The Nitty Gritty” from the The Judy Garland Show (1964).