Links for 3/16/24

Inside The Star Club Hafenpolizei 1962

Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

The modern CEO job is completely broken — but AI could make executives useful again

The Unspoken Lie

Riley Balsawood now in Italy – and available through Europe

Carbon Offsets Have a Fatal Flaw

Crisis in the Amazon: Will the largest rainforest in the world survive? – BBC World Service

The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Weaponizing the First Amendment to Silence Its Critics

The Muslim WWII Heroine that Time Forgot

Charles Fréger

Evidence of hominins building wooden structures half a million years ago

“VC qanon” and the radicalization of the tech tycoons – Anil Dash

Links for 3/3/24

Plastic industry knew recycling was a farce for decades yet deceived the public, report reveals

Curious shift in ocean currents is having chilling impact on Outer Banks, experts say

Net-Zero Targets Face Reality Check

The Streetdog

Fossil Companies Face $50B Lawsuit Over 2021 Heat Dome Deaths

How archivists are working to capture not just tapes of old TV and radio but the experience of tuning in together

Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’, say scientists

How Corporations Are Changing Skateboarding and Why It Matters – Jenkem Magazine

A Compendium of Vintage Pool Parties

‘We are very vulnerable’: cyclone-hit Vanuatu pins climate hopes on UN vote

Links for 1/27/24

Microplastics, like Asbestos, Can Kill

How artists can poison their pics with deadly Nightshade to deter AI scrapers

Karl von den Steinen

Taiwanese indigenous peoples

20 Major US Cities Most and Least Threatened by Climate Change

Get hip to teenage antics and terms with this handy guide

Native Land Digital

When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics

Climate change solutions need to keep Indigenous knowledge at centre of approach

New Stan Lee documentary raises age-old question: Who created the Marvel Universe?

Bandcamp reportedly union-busting by pressuring record labels

Links for 1/14/24

How I watched the oligarchy shrink America’s middle class

How to Make Recyclable Plastics Out of CO2 to Slow Climate Change

The ex-shark fishermen teaching schoolkids how to protect the environment

Why people still fall for fake news about climate change

A Pocket Guide for Scientists: Handling Political Harassment and Legal Intimidation

Department of Defense, Tidal Power: A New Source of Energy (1959)

Rarely in the Field of Human Endeavour Has One Rather Small Profession Caused So Much Harm to Humankind as Neoclassical Economists Do Now

Links for 9/10/23

Carbon Cash Machine: Meet the Investors Running – and Destroying – Our World

National Science Foundation’s new center connects Indigenous wisdom with Western science | Boing Boing

10 Facts That Prove the World Is in a Climate Emergency

Saving the Planet One Plant-Based Burger at a Time: 6 Environmental Benefits of Veganism

Why the Humble City Bus Is the Key to Improving US Public Transit

Spotify ejects thousands of AI-made songs in purge of fake streams

The Tielman Brothers History

AI and the American Smile

Noam Chomsky: There Are Signs of Hope Amid Climate Crisis, Bank Failures and War

The UN’s climate handbook for a ‘liveable’ future

The Guy who Shrunk his 1950s Hometown

Exxon Predicted Oil Burning Role in Climate Change