Links for 10/27/15

Back in the 1990’s, Exxon was publicly taking the position that the scientific research on global warming was contradictory and too sketchy to act upon. But, at the same time, its own researchers were quietly incorporating some of those scientific conclusions into the company’s operational forecasts.

Source: What Exxon knew about the Earth’s melting Arctic




“Borneo from Below” brings dazzling footage of the life aquatic in the South China Sea

Source: “Borneo from Below” brings dazzling footage of the life aquatic in the South China Sea


Over the past 40 years, we have killed off 50% of marine life through overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change. But the international spotlight and a change in policy mean things are looking up

Source: The eco guide to the ocean | Lucy Siegle | Environment | The Guardian


Coalition of Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Tokelau ask wealthy nations to help their people migrate and find work if they have to flee because of rising sea levels

Source: Pacific nations beg for help for islanders when ‘calamity’ of climate change hits | Environment | The Guardian

Links for 10/17/15

Get essential tools and recipes for the at-home bartender with this set from MakersKit

Genocide, not genes: indigenous peoples’ genetic alcoholism is a racist myth

Shaken: cocktail kits by mail

Ocean life or acid trip? Photos of psychedelic jellyfish


Nestle–that’s who. And they’re profiting big time. Watch the movie and take action.

Source: Guess Who’s Illegally Occupying Public Land in California?


Where have all the tuna gone, and where are all the cod?

Source: Popular Science


Beat the microbead is an international campaign against plastic microbeads in cosmetics.

Source: Beat the Microbead – Beat the Microbead


I’m well aware that with Paris looming it’s time to be hopeful, and I’m willing to try. Even amid the record heat and flooding of the present, there are good signs for the future in the rising climate movement and the falling cost of solar. But before we get to past and present there’s some past to be reckoned with, and before we get to hope there’s some deep, blood-red anger.

Source: Exxon’s Climate Lie: ‘No Corporation Has Ever Done Anything This Big or Bad’ | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


#NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – Citizens say NO to @VladaRH Adriatic #fossilfuel plans for Croatia #COP21

Source: #NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – HeadTalker

Links for 6/16/15

Yes Men Protest Shell Oil Drilling by Sharing Snow Cones from “Last Icebergs of North Pole”

Jane Fonda scorches fossil fuel executives in Vancouver speech, saying the real issue is life versus oil

Designer Mom Creates Stylish Bikinis That Conceal Women’s Pregnancy Scars

Stunning Photographs of Glaciers and Penguins in 1964

California drought: State orders historic water cuts for farmers

Talking with stars of Brian Wilson biopic Love & Mercy: John Cusack, Paul Dano, Elizabeth Banks