Line-Up Wassermusik, Berlin ’08

The event takes shape! As posted before, I will keep you updated.

Line Up Wassermusik

10.7. 19h Leopold Kraus Wellenkapelle; 20.30h The Surfaris
11.7. 19h Messer Chups; 20.30h La Pupuna
12.7.19h Boom Pam; 20.30h Bambi Molesters
13.7. 20.30h Marc Ribot Trio

17.7. 19h Juana Molina; 20.30h Eliza Carthy
18.7. 19h Chor der Kulturen der Welt; 20.30h Dori Caymmi
19.7. 19h Fikat al Bahrain; 20.30h Hamid Baroudi
20.07. 14h Family Concert with Fikat al Bahrain/ afterwards Ocean Club

24.7. 19h Belli de Waikiki; 20.30h Waitiki
25.7. 20.30h Don Tiki
26.7. 19h Coconami; 20.30h Lushy
27.07 Chillout Kahuna Kawentzmann

Surfilm Festibal

This spanish surf film festival looks great!

But wait, the poster is proper, and there’s going to be surfbands playing!

At the Surfilm Festibal there’s always been live music… but it seems that this year they are going one step beyond by inviting some very first-rate bands, and even starting an offshoot: the FestiBaila, a music festival within the Surfilm Festibal. In this first edition the FestiBaila will feature the followings bands: Delorean, Los Coronas, Los Tiki Phantoms and Discípulos de Dionisos (click on the names to learn more about each band). I’ve just spoken to Sancho, one of the organizers, to find out more about the FestiBaila.

Here’s the english blog.
Surfilm Festibal 6 Concurso Internacional de Cortos

Berlin Beatet Bestes

I found this blog by accidents – looking for the publisher of a Chubby Checker song. The first time I stumbled across a great blog by someone I know personally and I didn’t know he was doing it!

Berlin Beatet Bestes is where Andreas Michalke presents his odd vinyl findings. I think it’s just 7”s. He has a talent for finding incredible stuff of all kinds (and not just records). Often with great sleeves – being a comic book artist he wouldn’t let a nice artwork illustration pass by. It took a while until I gathered how to listen to his samples in the stream player on the right sidebar. Maybe this would be a good plug-in for his WordPress? He could have the sound where the article is – and not alphabetically crammed into a small box. Anyway, I totally dig this. Check out the thorough descriptions he writes for the records. He loves vinyl oddities. If you’re similarly adjusted have a look and a listen.

Tonight in Berlin!
Wassermusik 2008 Preview!!!

Exotica played here
Heute abend in Berlin! Wassermusik 2008

18.30 h „La Paloma“: Andreas Schäfler + Sigrid Faltin. Lesung aus dem neuen Buch im marebuchverlag

19.30 h Film: „La Paloma. Sehnsucht. Weltweit“. Vorschau des Films, der Mitte Juni ins Kino kommt

21 h Konzert: Harry Koizumi, Hawaii, hawaiianische Seemannslieder

21.30 h Konzert: SpaCe DoG, Surf Music

22.30 h DJ-set: Kahuna Kawentzmann, Surf, Exotica and related vinyl

A Different Shortboard

Hawaii 1963. A guy walks down to the shore with his red 5′ board in hand, paddles out and catches some waves. And rides them well, like he does so every day. A shortboard! In 1963! OK, it’s a paipo board which is usually ridden on the belly. It’s radical! Check out how close he rides to the wall towards the end. His body english is very relaxed there. Phew!

PAIPO Boarding 1963, Val Ching

Seaworthy Trailer

This is another beautiful trailer for a new surf video. I like the unusual and extreme choice of boards ridden and the impressionistic piano music. It works very nice, and casts yet another light on surfing. Very, very nice

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Arthur Lyman Re-Releases

I knew about this big back-catalogue re-issue being planned before, but I somehow never could view the web-page until now.

Arthur Lyman died a couple of years ago, and it was a great loss to the people into Exotica and Tiki as he was still performing. He used to play with Martin Denny before he ventured out with his own group. Both artists released similar styled albums, but Lyman kept more Hawai’i in his music as the sixties went on, being hawaiian might be a reason. He had some of the deepest, most atmospheric and soulful Exotica recordings, combining authentic ethnic instrumentation with modern jazz. Another interesting point of note are humorous tunes he often selected to appear towards the end of his LPs. He may not have had a Sandy Warner on the covers, but many are very beautiful, classic Exotica designs. Taboo 2 had an authentic shrunken head on the front, until it was repackaged with a shot from the Pele roll of film.

Kevin Crossman writes on the Exotica list:

Collectors has released 18 Lyman albums in their entirety as 9 two-fer CDs.

Don’t be fooled by lame, generic cover art. each release has the cover of both LPs printed in full color. All you have to do is take the front booklet out and fold it backwards to show the cool orig Lp cover art! The CD also contains a reprint of one of the Lp back covers

Look for the double titles separated by a slash. Steer clear of the Greatest Hits package – it is not bad but I’m sure you would rather have the full experience of a Lyman lp in its original format

go to Collectors’ Choice Music

Paskowitz Family Documentary

Every once in a while a man takes his life into his own hands. I can’t wait to see this! I guess Paskowitz should be a household name to a guy with a 9ft Malibu in the corner of his home office, but I’m afraid you have to look elsewhere for further info on this obviously very special family. Wait, the movie should make me that much wiser.

Surfwise – A film by Doug Pray

Wassermusik 08 Berlin

Exotica played hereThis summer there is something special happening at the Spree. An open air music festival over three consecutive weekends. One weekend is all about sailor songs from around the globe, then it’s a weekend of Surf, and one presenting Exotica to the unexpecting Berlin masses!

I knew Don Tiki was going to be there. I just recogned from Waitiki’s website, that they are going to be there, too!

Waitiki is Going to Berlin!!!

That’s right … we’re traveling with our favorite tiki comrades from Honolulu &emdash; Don Tiki, and will be making a big exotica splash in Berlin, Germany at the first-ever Wassermusik Festival. We’ll be playing as a septet, joined by our longtime friend (and killin’) Latin jazz pianist Zaccai Curtis.

Meanwhile check out Waitiki and Don Tiki at iTunes.

Here’s a static page that will hold all the updates as I can catch them.